The Complete Golf Grip Kit

Golf Grip Kit

Grip Kit

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Everything you need to install your grips yourself. See the below Features for everything that is included with your kit.


  • 15 Grip strips (double sided tape 2x9 long)
  • 1 4oz spray bottle of HF-100 Grip Tape Activator
  • 1 Rubber vice clamp
  • 1 Poly display bag
  • 1 5 Easy Step instruction card for grip application

Technical Specifications

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Dave Leonard reviewed this product on 02/20/16 This is an update on my review of 07/16/14. I found the secret to using the kit. First, after cutting the old grip off use "Goo-Gone" to clean the shaft. Second, place the tape on the shaft as in the instructions. Third, spray the activator into the new grip until it runs out the bottom, spray the activator on the tape until it`s soaked. Using heavy pressure on the end of the grip slide it on the shaft, it should move easily. When it stops remove the club grab the head and hit the base of the grip on a solid (the floor) object until the grip seats. I let the clubs sit overnight to let the glue setup. Using this method I`ve regripped all of my irons and had no problems.
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Dave Leonard rated this product on 07/16/14 The kit works great, but it is not easy to use and I highly recommend you buy extra grips and possibly a second kit because you will need it. Out of six clubs I wanted to re-grip three were screwed up and had to buy more grips.
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Mike rated this product on 01/05/13 Yes, this is a nice kit and it works great. Easy to use! And Bobby, 14 strips probably because you are only allowed to carry 14 clubs maximum in your bag.
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Bobby Neumann rated this product on 08/14/11 This is a great kit. However, it only comes with 14 strips of tape.
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